Q: What is the North West COVID-19 Relief Fund about?


A:            The fund has been developed by the North West Provincial Goverment, for businesses of the North West Province. Funding offered by the North West Covid-19 Relief Fund will assist in sustaining provincial enterprises to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 shutdown on their businesses. Small businesses, co-operatives, informal traders and hawkers are encouraged to apply to receive financial assistance if their businesses have been negatively affected.


Q:  Who is eligible to apply for funding and what are the requirements?

A:  North West –based businesses, namely SMMEs, co-operatives, hawkers and informal traders.

To be able to apply for the North West COVID-19 Relief Fund, applicants need to meet a number of basic requirements, where applicable to their type of business:

Informal business (Business not registered):

  1. Identity Document
  2. Proof of Trading for 12 months in the North West Province
    (Affidavit/letter from Tribal Authority/trading permit or licence)

Formal business (CIPC registered business):

  1. Proof that the business is negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (Such as four
    months bank statements (January – April), copies of municipal bills, rental bills, stock purchase receipts etc.)
  2. Copy of identity documents of business owners (certified)
  3. Proof of Trading for 12 months in the North West Province
    (Affidavit/letter from Tribal Authority)
  4. SARS compliance documents


Q:           How is the fund going to help informal businesses that are not registered on CIPC?

A:            Informal businesses need not be registered on CIPC, as we realise that is the reality for many of our informal traders. We will just require identity documents and proof that they have been trading prior to the pandemic. We also have put measures in place for those traders whose application has been successful but do not have bank accounts. We have partnered with Standard Bank from which cards will be made available to assist these traders who are receiving funding. Once the card is issued, the informal trader can continue to use this card for future purposes e.g. depositing money into the card, swiping the card for purchases etc with minimal bank charges on their side.


Q:           Is there a standard amount that businesses will receive as funding?

A:            The exact amount per applicant will vary according to how they indicate their Covid-19 relief requirements in their application, for instance, a hairdresser will show us the amount she had to pay for rent during the time that she was unable to operate. The amount applied for needs to fall within the fund’s parametres of between one thousand and a hundred thousand Rands. Each application will be individually assessed and funded.


Q:           When will the applications be opened and how can they be accessed?

A:            Applications will open on Monday, 1 June 2020.  Any person who has a smartphone, tablet, pc or laptop will be able to complete an online registration, followed by an online application process.


Q:           Are off-line applications also possible?

A:            On-line applications are preferred, as sms messages will be issued to applicants outlining the process and stages of their application. However, downloadable application forms are available for download from the same on-line application portal. Alternatively, applicants can contact the call centre number to enquire where their nearest NWDC or DEDECT branch is located from where they can collect a printed, hard copy application form. Completed offline applications, accompanied by the required supporting documents, should be emailed to nwrelieffund@nwdc.co.za or submitted at a nearest participating NWDC branch which can be verified through the call centre. The call centre number is 017 422 0116


Q:     I have received funding and have opted for a card. How can the card be used?

A:      This card can be used as a normal bank card e.g. drawing money from an ATM, swiping at any point of sale and at any shop