Init Surname Date of Appointment Years of Service Service Month
DB MOLETE 20050606 5 june
N J MARUPING 20050601 5 june
M J MOLEMA 20050601 5 june
R P SEDITI 20050601 5 june
P T RAMATONG 20050601 5 june
G B NKOSI 20050601 5 june
I I LESHOMO 20050601 5 june
M J KUJANE 20050601 5 june
T A DIPHOKO 20050601 5 june

Initials Name Surname Date Engaged No. of years Long Service Month
O M MacDonald CHABAESELE 20050101 5 January
E Ezekiel MOALUSI 20050101 5 January
J M Johannes MAREMA 19900101 20 January
Magdeline Mputle 19850401 1 April
N L Nelson Letsoalo 19850401 1 April
K G Keoabile PARKINS 20050101 5 February
M E Elizabeth (Lizzy) BATHOBAKAE 19850201 25 February