Interim CEO & CFO for NWDC
March 4, 2015
Lights! Camera! Action! – NWDC video clip
The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) in partnership with SEDA, Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality and the North West Development Corporation invite you to the Exporter Development Training. The purpose of the training is to prepare SMEs for the successful expansion of their businesses into international markets.
The process started with export awareness, followed by a four day Introduction to Exporting Training and now Planning for Exports covering export topics: Pricing, costing, promotion, distribution, product development, adaption for exports, packaging and labelling, feasibility analysis, negotiating techniques, export logistics, export strategic planning, and drafting an export plan.
Upon successfully completing the training, companies will be invited to participate in and be assisted by the dti and SEDA with the promotion of their products at both local and international trade exhibitions.
There is NO COST for participating in the Exporter Development Programme. However, only companies with export potential will be selected.
Please be aware that 50 companies will be accepted on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Interested companies and individuals should complete the attached form and submit it to contact persons under RSVP.
Date: 16 – 18 March 2015 (Monday-Wednesday)
Time: 08:00 – 16h00
Venue: Mmabatho Convention Centre, Mahikeng
Kindly RSVP by the 13th of March 2015 at:
- Phina Mashilo, PMashilo@thedti.gov.za, Tel: 012 394 1060;
- Obakeng Motlhanke, motlhankeo@NMMDM.GOV.ZA , Tel: 018 381 9400, or with
- Connie Iliadis, connieb@nwdc.co.za, Tel: 014 594 2576.