Reserve Bank Monetary Policy Forum, 12 Oct 2017
September 27, 2017Tender Advisory
November 27, 2017Join the Cancer Fun Run and Awareness Day on 25 November 2017 – held at the Christiana All Seasons Resort
Circle Saturday, 25 November 2017 on your calendar to participate in the Christiana All Seasons Resort’s first Annual Cancer Fun Run and Awareness Campaign, to be held at the resort.
The event is a full day occasion held to raise awareness and educate individuals about the impact of all types of cancers and how can they be treated. Participants will hear from different speakers who will be talking under the theme “Encouraging health, Encouraging life.”
This event will serve to encourage dialogue and afford guests the opportunity to take part in a fun run, visit exhibitions and join practical sessions, networking and entertainment activities.
* Tickets for the Cancer Fun Run and Fund-raising dinner can be obtained from the Christiana All Seasons Resort reception.
* Fun-run tickets can be purchased from 7 am on the morning of 25 November at the start (Christiana Hospital)
For more information, sponsorships, exhibitions and tickets contact:
1. Julia Saville – 076 553 8955 or julias@casr.co.za
2. Mirriam Phalatse 082 457 8848
Download the full event flyer here
The Christiana All Seasons Resort is situated just 3 kilometres outside the town of Christiana, owned by Dirapeng, a subsidiary of the NWDC.