The NWDC invites businesses in the North West Province to participate in the China Trader Expo 2016.
The China Trader Expo takes place at China City, Crown Mines, Johannesburg, from 9 to 12 November 2016.
The event is an expo on exporting South African products to China. It shall expose South African products to over 200 entrepreneurs, procurement managers and key decision makers as attending delegates from the Guangdong Province in China. The expo thus provides opportunities for local SMMEs to network and eventually export their products to China.
The focus will be on companies manufacturing products ranging from various industries, such as:
NWDC’s qualifying criteria:
Companies that meet the following criteria shall be considered for participation:
* A mininum of one year in operation
* A minimum of R300 000 asset base
* A minimum of R300 000 annual turn-over
* Must employ at least five employees
* FICA compliance and all other basic statutory requirements per sector
(e.g. company registration, tax clearance, company profile, copies of ID document of directors, proof of physical business address, etc. etc.)
Special consideration might be extended to youth, cooperatives, women and people with disabilities
Interested business are encouraged to contact Ms Poloko Maphula or Mr Rego Ramong at the NWDC’s Rustenburg office on 014 594 2570 or email
Applications for participation close on Friday, 28 October 2016.