The NWDC in collaboration with the dtic invites companies to register for Export Awareness Workshops hosted in the North West Province
Current exporters and export-ready companies are encouraged to attend. The workshops will educate companies on export promotion, export development & services offered by the dtic.
Attendance is free of charge, however, registration is compulsory before the closing date of 17 August 2022.
The workshops will run from 10:00 to 14:00.
Venue information will be supplied to registered participants.
In terms of prioritising attendance from whose who apply, the workshop will focus on:
Priority and focus will be given to companies that are already at the export development stage.
The applying company must be registered, in good standing and have a product/products that they wish to develop for the export market.
To register, supply the required info below with a two-page company profile to
Enquiries: Poloko Maphula, Trade Officer: or phone 014 594 2570