We have two very important objectives in common namely our people, the people of the North West Province and secondly, the development and well being of our people. Public Service Delivery improvement continues to be a challenge that requires the commitment of all public servants to work towards, not only meeting government’s objectives but also satisfying the aspirations of members of the public for access to quality services and a better life for all. Nothing should justify our failure to respond to these expectations as they are legitimate and noble.
For this to happen, even within the context of limited resources at the disposal of government, everyone serving in the public service, needs to do so with a sense of duty and a high degree of commitment in striving towards the aims of ASGISA in the achievement of the targets set by our Provincial Growth and Development Strategy.
Mafikeng, being the capital of the North West Province has experienced vast economic growth over the pat five years and we, as Democratic Government have in turn responded by supporting this growth through the provision of additional manufacturing infrastructure.
It is with the above in mind that the Department of Economic Development and Tourism and the NWDC embarked on filling a gap in the Property Market. We wanted to make a difference to the people, especially SMME’s and Previously Disadvantaged individuals. The idea of the Mafikeng Light Industrial Park was thus borne and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, after lengthy planning sessions, provided R3 million toward the erection of phase 1 f the light industrial park and we have committed ourselves to assisting with the 2nd phase of the light industrial park. We have a very diverse tenant mix, ranging from IT, printing, signage etc. We offer our tenants rental at an economic cost as well as reducing cost of entry by administering electrical supplies by Eskom in so far that NWDC pays the deposit on behalf o the Industrial Park whereafter SMME’s only pay the monthly fees. We also offer guidelines on how to draft a business plan and set up a business and try to put our SMME’s into contact with the relevant people to assist them should they encounter any difficulties or need additional guidance.
The Department of Economic Development and Tourism together with the NWDC invites all commercial funding institutions such as SEDA and Khula to join hands with us in order to accelerate SMME participation in the Manufacturing Industry.