The statistics on rape, abuse and brutal killings on women, children and senior citizens are at an alarming and staggering high with more reports on these incidents taking place in different parts of the country. In an aid to combat such issues facing various societies, a religious organization named NICSA (National Interfaith Council of South Africa) was formed in a bid to raise awareness about this emerging plague. NICSA is an organization based on the co-operation between government and various religious and faith institutions, which include Christians, Islam, Tyranus Apostolic Church, Rastafarians, Bahai, Marima, Pastors forum, Traditional health practitioners, Hindu as well as African Independent Churches. NICSAin the North West, in partnership with the Office of the Premier, hosted an interfaith prayer service at Rustenburg Olympia Park Stadium, the 3rd of March 2013 where the Premier launched a campaign against rape, abuse and brutal killings of women, children and senior citizens.
The Anti-rape campaign, in partnership with various community, government and business structures, including the Office of the Premier, Social Development, Education, Health, SAPS, SABC, NWDC and many more, aims at raising awareness to the public about the dangers of committing these unlawful acts, to rid the society of perpetrators and committers of such crimes, as well as to collect one million signatures around the province, to be handed over to the Premier by November during the 16 days of activism, from all those against rape, abuse and the killings of women, children and senior citizens. In relation to two incidents where a woman was raped in a cemetery in Phokeng in the North West and where an elderly woman of 92 years was raped in Mmakau, Premier ThandiModise called on women to avoid high risk places that could increase their vulnerability, such as shebeens and pubs, seeing as many perpetrators target women who are either drunk or ask for lifts from strangers. ”Enough is enough, it is time we all stand up together and protect our most vulnerable groups, and it is only a failed nation that will miss the mark in protecting its senior citizens” said the Premier in an article published by The New Age publication in relation to the mentioned incidents.